Convicted by the Spirit.
I feel it well before I ever see or hear it
Sometimes, I fight not to fear it
But it feels so strong
Bow down on my knees to pray
Ask God to deal with me day by day
I pause --- There must be a better way
Cause this all just feels so wrong…
Living in a world of sin
Praying to be born again
Fight with flesh; we never win
Yet the battle presses on
Strangled by deceit and lies
Silenced by rebellious cries
Flesh lives on while Spirit dies
And the meaning’s almost gone
Crash into a wall of shame
Deception knows us all by name
Little to lose, with much to gain
If only we should listen
Colorblind to black and white
Slowly we are losing sight
Out to win, yet scared to fight
Catch the disposition
Quietly we disappear
Before we ever know we’re here
The end of time is drawing near
Too consumed to even fear it
Little children don’t know CHRIST-
MASs consumption at whole price
Want the cake; not just a slice
Convicted by the Spirit?