Don’t know how to do it;
How to separate the mental from the physical
Cuz mentally, I’m feeling you
But physically, right now, I’m feeling you too
But I catch myself slippin- fallin back into the same rehearsals
I’ve changed roles once, so no more role reversals
Tick tock, find myself looking at my clock
Wondering if I should or shouldn’t call
If you’re a good catch then I don’t want to drop the ball
Saying to myself, “this can’t be real…”
But there’s no denying the way I think that I feel
Not falling, just enjoying what’s new
Just wondering if in the future, there’s a future with you
Literally just laughed out loud
Got my head so far up in a cloud
Then oops, slipped back down
Somehow, reality has landed me on the ground
I said I wanted honesty and that’s what I feel I’m being given
Take my heart off my sleeves and day by day, just keep livin
All that other stuff, I ain’t worried about it- for now
Not stressing about the future, just living in the now…