What is love? I haven't a clue. Is it given to me because I've given it to you? Can it protect me from the painful blows of this hateful world? Or become that pain from which its blows I fall and curl? Is it given like blessings, or earned like trust? Made out to be made out with each pelvic thrust? Does it want what others have or does it have what others want? Is it all or nothing, or bits and pieces, one by one? What is love? Someone please tell me. For what I once thought was love has often hurt me. Left me afraid to use the word as an action or a noun. With the power to send me flying high and with that same strength, bring me down. Is love never failing? Is love always true? Is it given to me because I've given it to you? Somebody please tell me, for I'd surely like to know where this seed of love is planted so that I may cultivate it, nurture it, shield it, build it, help it grow... Inside of me.
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