So, some people have been asking, "what does sublime_anarchy mean?" Well, today's the day you find out (lucky you)! Sublime_anarchy is a name I came up with to describe what it is that I'm doing with this blog. As you may recall, BlackOut the Night is all about creativity and going against the norm. I wanted a name for myself that was really different from any other. I love adjectives. I love words that can put a different spin on things just by being in front of it (exp. fresh bananas are different from rotten bananas). So, I thought of the best possible word to describe the best possible blog out there (sense my confidence?), and I came up with Sublime. Nothing's higher than sublime. Then, I thought, since this blog is all about going against the norm, why not integrate that into my name somehow? I remembered that an anarchy is absent from any rules or governance, and I thought it to be perfect. Although most people think of chaos and confusion when they think of an anarchy, I'd like to think of it as a limitless, "ruleless" place or space. Combine it with the sublime and you get 'a supreme and impressive place of no limits'. So there you have it- sublime_anarchy. Hope that answered it for ya, if not please feel free to comment!
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