The other day, someone made the comment that I was "obsessed with time." I responded with a baffled stare, attempting to comprehend how, considering the circumstances, that person's lateness translated to me being "obsessed with time." Time is important and valuable, but to say that I am obsessed- a bit extreme. I have no problem with occasional tardiness, but when your tardiness becomes more of a norm than an accident, the focus swiftly slips from an incident of time to one of accountability. Someone, once very close to me, would always say, "Your word is your bond." It's amazing how words can speak so many things into existence and make things die all at once. Think about it- If you tell a child that you are bringing them some M&M's home on Friday night, just know that even if it's Monday, that child will remember and bug you about that candy every day until Friday. And if you show up without it come Friday, you've just devastated that child who had been waiting for, looking forward to, really wanting those M&M's. Well, that's how I am about people keeping their word. If you tell me that you are going to do something, I expect that you are going to do it, when you said you were going to do it. Understanding that things do come up, I have the sensitivity and mindfulness to accept that which we have no control over, but certain things, we do have control over. So, call me "obsessed" if you so choose, but don't feather out my "obsession" as a means to keep people on a schedule or some twisted sort of time constraint. If you have to label me as "obsessed," label me me as obsessed with trust and accountability. Just keep your word. There's only one person accountable for the words that come out of your mouth, and that's YOU.
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