How did I know you? I knew you before. But how? Maybe it’s just my inner strength that allows me to feel it more so than others. Maybe it’s the little girl inside of you that speaks to the little girl inside of me. But we cannot hear them, (they whisper). I have found those eyes before; your eyes that are not your own, your eyes which have seen more than they should have, or needed to. See, eyes remember, even when there is darkness. Eyes decipher even when the mind blocks out. But our eyes stared at each other- like they hadn’t seen each other in a long, long time. And I wondered how I knew you. How could you talk to me with such ease and I feel like I knew you before I ever knew you? It was your heart. I felt it beating next to mine. It felt heavy, your heart cried. Just like my heart cried. I saw the burden on your back. (Don’t you just want to get it off?) But that is why you talked to me because you knew me too. You just didn’t know from where. But we both thought that if we talked long enough, we would remember. I’d love to remember, even though it scares me (I’ll admit). Because I think we knew each other from a sad place; a place where they hurt us and we were afraid. That’s why we get along so easily, so freely, because somehow, we were there for one another, keeping each other strong- even when we felt like we wouldn’t make it. There’s not many of us that meet like this. It’s because we are afraid to look one another in the eyes. We’re afraid of seeing that little girl back there, all alone and afraid. We don’t want to remember. But I’ve found it’s not so bad to remember, especially if you have someone there with you, who’s been there and knows how it feels. So I know I know you. I just can’t remember from where. But just keep talking and I’ll keep listening, and I’ll keep talking, and you’ll keep listening, and sooner or later, we’ll have that “Ah, Ha!” moment and remember where we knew each other from. But it really is good seeing you again.
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