So, in this field, I get asked on many an occasion, "How do you do what you do?" For those who don't know, I work with traumatized children, the sexually & physically abused, grief/loss, domestic violence, cutting children that most people write off as "damaged goods." In all honesty, it's probably the hardest job I've ever done, but I love what I do. You cannot be a social worker and not love what you do (unless you're in the wrong field or you work for DFCS). So how do I do it? I do with a lot of prayer, a lot of processing, and a lot of support from co-workers and friends. I think it's easier for me because most of my close friends are in an associated, if not the same, field as I am. Being a social worker has truly allowed me to explore myself as something like a pawn in the world. If it takes me to bare the burden of sleeping with a child sexual abuse case on my mind to know that that same child is sleeping peacefully and safely tonight, I'd be a pawn any day. And I love it because I get to wear a lot of hats:) I'm a super feminist, advocating for single mothers one day, a socialist, fighting for equality within a particular community another day, and my personal favorite, a friend. To see these kids' eyes light up when they come in for a session is a feeling like no other. So when people ask, "How do you do what you do?" I think, how can I not do what I do? So here's my official shout out to all of my God bearing social working socialists with a feminist twist , and to all of my others who are something like social workers!
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